Embryonic ideas in writing



Today we said goodbye, through tear-streaked eyes,
We miss you so much already.
Though we never even met.
I stroked your hair and kissed your brow,
I didn't want to leave your side
Your body jumping with sadness.
Goodbye my dark-haired son,
So ravenous, so full of beating heart.
Goodbye my fair-skinned girl,
So delicate and whispering.
We watched and waved as our dreams drove off,
With a toot of the horn they were gone.
But this isn't goodbye for ever, its only a short farewell.
We'll meet again someday soon,
And I'll hold you in my arms, weeping tears of joy.
Then I got you back, your softly tired face,
Looking nowhere in particular.
I saw you so strong and brave,
It made me love you even more.


Smashing Lightbulbs

Its amazing how easy it is for the fantasy world we create to implode like a smashed lightbulb.


Stolen Moment

It's the cup of tea when you're a bit too early.
Its the pause for breath before the race begins.
A delicious stolen moment.
A pause, a rest and stop.
A chance to stand back from the Merry Go Round
To watch the others go by

Too few and far between
Too rare, not done enough
A few slurps then back on my way
Throw myself into another day.


Cushendun Beach #2

The sound of thousands of pebbles
Round and hard, rubbing together.
Pulled by the sea, the relentless sea.
Pulled into the shallows,
Then flung back to the shore.
An endless repetition
All day, all night, back and forth.

The pewter plate sea reflecting the sky
Sometimes a white crested fury, pounding the shore.
Rushing the dunes up to timbers and wire
But always retreating to regather forces.
Then, as if nothing had happened,
Returning to workmanlike calm.

Pushing and pulling, back and forth.
Rounding the pebbles,
Smoothing the shards.
Thousands of glistening beads,
The proud remains of glacial headlands
That towered and loomed over the sea,
Watching for rivals in sunny Kintyre.


Cushendun Beach

The beach of Cushendun
Always present inside me
It comes back in waves
Advancing, receding
With a rasping, tearing sound
As pebbles roll back to the sea.

I've walked the beach one thousand times or more
Picked up sheep skulls
Popped seaweed blisters
It always clear my mind
Injects calm into my racing heart.

I wish the beach could be inside of me.
Or I could be the oily Cormorant.
Diving down, coming up
Never seeming tired.
Always there, as if there was only one Cormorant.

I sued to skim stones in anger
Bouncing frustration accross the waves.
Now I just stand there
Sucking in the cold, sharp air
Absorbing the light, the sound, the smell.
Turning anger into calm serenity.

Mini Saga #1

He couldn't see them yet, but this time he knew they were there. The muscle over his left eye twitched gently, invisibly. When they rounded the corner he was ready, palms outward he faced them. He closed his eyes then they turned and ran.